Here's a picture of my Nidecker board, the Concept 164:


Here's my Nidecker bindings, the FX 1.7 Step:




And here's a picture of my Lib Tech board, the 6'3" Doughboy Shredder:

Lib Tech - Doughboy

model Doughboy
material length 193.0
effective edge 152
sidecut radius 11.0-9.0 progressive
nose width 31.8
waist width 26.2
tail width 31.8
When we designed the Doughboy Shredder we figured no one would want it. We were right. Oh, but I bought it...
This year the Doughboy is just as long as it has ever been, but a little wider and a little lighter. Yeah, I've got the 97 model - not so pretty.
It features a balsa wood core like the Dave Lee, and its brethren, the Litigator and Grocer.
The scientific name for balsa wood is ochroma lagopus. In Equador it is known as Boya, meaning buoy.

Snowboarding is a tad more exhilarating and perhaps more dangerous than some of the other comparable activities I've done in the past, e.g. cycling 17 miles home from work at Argonaut in North London to Blackheath via Hyde Park Corner! Snowboarding is much more fun though.