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Cyberspace Engineers

Engineering Cyberspace!



Interaction (client, not player) with a universe requires expressing an interest in it, and calling methods of particular objects. When calling a method the client may need to pass a variety of data types. The IUniverse interface allows accessing classes, methods, objects, interests, etc. and being able to create series and primitive values as necessary in supplying method arguments.


The interface of this node's universe is obtained via IUnknown::QueryInterface(IUniverse).

GetNode(INode**)			// The Node to which this universe belongs
EnumClasses(IEnumClass**)		// Lists classes in the universe
NewInterest(IInterest**,IClass*)	// Create a new interest in objects of a particular class
NewSeries(ISeries**,ISeriesData*)	// Creates a new series from the data that is to make it up
New[primitive value](IValue**,I[Value]Data*)	// Creates a a variety of primitive value types in this universe


GetUniverse(IUniverse**)		// The universe to which this class belongs
EnumMethods(IEnumMethod**,IClass*)	// Lists methods in a class


GetClass(IClass**)                                    // The class of which this method is a member


Read(IValue**,IMethod*)        // Call a method with no argument, reading the return value
Write(IMethod*,IValue*)    // Call a method with the supplied argument, ignoring any return value
Call(IValue**,IMethod*,IValue*)    // Call a method with the supplied argument, reading the return value


GetClass(IClass**)                                    // The class to which this interest belongs
GetCriterion(IValue**,IMethod*)	// Get the current criterion of this interest corresponding to the specific method
SetCriterion(IMethod*,IValue*)	// Set the current criterion of this interest corresponding to the specific method
Various methods for iterating through the objects that match this interest


Various methods for reading the values in a series


Various methods for obtaining information about the value and translating it into the client's preferred representation


Various methods for reading data.