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Cyberspace Engineers

Engineering Cyberspace!



Membership Details for Cyberspace Engineers

All cyberspace engineers, or companies thereof, are invited to join this organisation. Details of nominal membership fees are available on request (crosbie@cyberspaceengineers.org).

The primary benefit of membership is potential eligibility for funding that may become available.

Current Members of Cyberspace Engineers

Member Profiles

Crosbie Fitch (Founder)

Crosbie has been interested in computers since the arrival of programmable calculators. Upon the discovery of adventure games, and then MUDs whilst at university, he went on to consider how text based multiplayer games could be extended to use graphics. The extreme limitations of network connectivity in those days were an indispensable discipline to his thought processes in arriving at what is one of the most optimal solutions currently known. He has been trying to get the opportunity to develop the technology for the last ten years, firstly with a prospective partner (Gary McHale), then at Argonaut Technologies, then Pepper's Ghost Productions, and recently almost took up an offer from a potential partner in Paris. He thought his dream had come true when he went to Computer Artworks, but no, the inevitable dead-end that is the proprietary approach loomed and brought him sharply awake. Having published two papers on the subject at VSMM99 and a series of articles for Gamasutra (a widely respected online, games development magazine), he is ready to bring Cyberspace to the world. With the costs of living provided from a part-time job at Qubesoft, there might just be enough days left in the week to do it unfunded...   but don't hold your breath!

Anne Dickens (Director)